By Larry Chiang
As a guy, I approve of breaking up via text. Isn’t technology awesome. No pain, no fuss
Well, when you’re trying to break up a business relationship, use my “hack” where you write a letter and lick a stamp
Here is the cautionary, cliche tale…
Nick Mendoza (@NickyDoze) | |
@freecreditrepor screwed me out of $14.95/month on some bogus membership thing & when i look it up my membership doesn’t exist
Lets break down what not to do before I circle back to what you SHOULD do (write a letter)
-1- You should not call to cancel.
Calling will just get you results that are sub par and less than desirable with near zero efficacy.
-2- Credit bureaus bank on you calling
They want you to call. They make more money when you call. It is impossible to cancel via a phoned in call.
-3- Credit companies do not want efficient and efficiencies.
They want inefficient. Because it is literally their business model.
-4- Credit companies want you to not leverage FCRA.
The FCRA says you must mail in paper disputes. I know you think they just throw away the mail that goes to their PO Box. But they do not because it is illegal. Each USPS envelope is viewed as sacrosanct.
-5- Credit companies hate when you hit their Achilles heel (the PO Box!)
Mail the Free Credit Report people a cancellation*. And mail your credit card company a credit dispute letter**.
*It is in the book, “Ultimate Credit Handbook” by Gerri Detweiler.
** See the book, “Ultimate Credit Handbook” by Gerri Detweiler. It’s used on Amazon
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CEO of Duck9
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Editor of the BusinessWeek Channel “What They Don’t Teach at Business School”
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Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14
52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old
Duck9 is part of UCMS Inc.