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In The Media

I donate one weekend a year

by Larry Chiang on June 22, 2015

By Larry Chiang

Tithing is where you donate 10%.
Decimate is where you assassinate 1 in 10 troops after surrender.

Me, I donate one weekend a year tweeting genius stuff about FICO. Here are the best-of-the-best to help you have a high credit score as a college student sorority girl (I pole well with that segment). These tweets are kinda douchie. But they’re free and lead to free resources I had when my FICO was once below 800. In short, I’m saying these are free resources I curated while my girlfriend was watching Orphan Blank with me on a weekend bender binge-watching “sessh”

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
When I started I had no knowledge and no money. #ExpTransFax
Then I bought a 1c book: ULTIMATE CREDIT HANDBOOK

app protocol interface w 
#ExpTransFax more than one time per year

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
the curious case of the person that cared about their FICO score all-of-a-sudden…

Credit Karma (@creditkarma)
Why your credit score matters:

What They Don’t Teach You at Credit Karma is in my weekend Twitter feed

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The president personally helped me help college students’ FICO scores via passing my #HR627 @IamEdBlaze. Thus, I defend. @Metromile

I’m a fan.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
It costs $45.oo to get 3 text-backs…

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Experian (pvt company), Trans Union (non govt agency, Equifax (credit database) => #ExpTransFax = *oligopoly*

Private companies compile this info

Ben Gold (@bengold)
Pretty cool that all credit score and credit report sites are a scam.

Welcome to my world where the company that sucks the least wins. 

“In an industry where college marketing sucks. Larry Chiang’s company sucks the least.”
–Virlea Mays, 
BancOne bank Arizona (valley national bank az). 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Credit score mentorship. It’s Saturday 8:51am

#430Lytton. Google that!

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The president personally helped me help college students’ FICO scores via passing my #HR627 @IamEdBlaze. Thus, I defend. @Metromile

Download the Twitter app to read 

Ed Blaze (@IamEdBlaze)
Auto insurance companies still scamming people with high rates because of credit score or home ownership  #Scammers#ThanksObama


Sabina Gadecki at Warriors game
She was lead #6 in a movie that opened huge 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
.@Metromile, do u run #ExpTransFax credit checks before the OBII port is appProtocol “interfaced” with!? cc @IamEdBlaze

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