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In The Media

“I’m thinking about not using #PObox105281” (What kind of results can I expect?)

by Larry Chiang on October 23, 2015

Larry Chiang’s sequel to a sequel NY Times bestseller, “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School“, landed him on the New York Times Best Seller list (as a misquote). Chiang studies his, mentor’s, Mark McCormack’s, sequels. For example, the “Senior Golf Tour was a sequel to the regular tour. Read “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School” even though it came out in 1983. At University of Illinois, Chiang co-founded a sequel company that helps people at public schools to get a FICO over 748.8 before they graduate.

NY Fashion Week takes place in the real world with Larry Chiang.

UPDATE: you can read the original question over on Quora if you google:
“Why can’t I receive my credit report? all the sites that I go to the security questions that prove my identity are unanswerable”

By Larry Chiang

Question from Wes: “Why can’t I receive my credit report? all the sites that I go to the security questions that prove my identity are unanswerable by me even when I answer with “none of the above” it says report is not receivable.”

Answer: the system is set up for you to fail. Websites are set up for you, the consumer, to fail
Use #poBox105281.


PO box 105281. The stamp goes in the upper right hand corner. PO box 105281. The stamp goes in the upper right hand corner.

Fair Credit Reporting Act. It says: “Use the USA postal system.”

Print this out:

"It is safe to send your social security number in an envelope." -Larry Chiang “It is safe to send your social security number in an envelope.” -Larry Chiang

Add a photo copy of your drivers license.

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