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In The Media

Is Your Email Address Bang-Worthy

by Larry Chiang on December 16, 2013

Larry Chiang’s session for HBS at New York Fashion Week was called “What a Supermodel Can Teach a Harvard MBA about FICO“. As CEO of Duck9, he encourages college student athletes at Stanford and the NFL to get a FICO over 810. After a Harvard Law School keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“. Chiang’s mentor started IMG. Do they represent you yet?!

Paid internships sometimes pay millions.

By Larry Chiang

I’m the one that coined the popularity of “Are they bang-worthy after Googling”

It was in a movie script called PROSPERASS.

Anyway… Email!! Is your email address sexy?!? A sexy email is cash-money. A bang worthy email address actually improves your FICO credit score. If you do not believe that I’m a credit expert in the moist powerful of Washington District of Columbia echelons, leave now. Oh also, ‘we, in DC, are taxated without being representated’ 🙂

Here is how to forward engineer a great email address

– Good name that looks like a real name on GMAIL. gmail is actually the best for credit even though it’s for tech geeks. But that’s why the avg income is double #HighFico

– Vintage of email. How old is your email. Older is better up until you’re NFL owner name at AOL. 20 year old email is too old but 20 day old email isn’t good either

– Email is sexier attached to A Amazon. Do you know what turns women on stronger than October rain? (Err January rain if you live in Palo Alto) what makes it rain women is a supermodel man, me, THAT READS. So, connect that email address to an Amazon account and stop canoodle mooching your Mom’s account.

– Email is sexier when it is linked to a street address eBay. Sell two things on eBay and get at least one good rating or two. Email that has at least one business transaction is super duper sexy. Forward engineer your quality of email address by conjoining your email to your eBay account.

– Make your work email the mistress to your personal email should look like it beds to because is linked to fB and is the extension for Jeff receiving my SXSW spam (notice the “sxsw” addition to that protects This email, reverse-engineering the, is not based on direct personal interactions or direct RSVP-ing, but rather via Evan Reas, Dan Shipper and other tech titans that have mentored me. On how to guess email assess Lol, guess theirs! Mine is – Make your email sexy by adding it on Elance and fB They both let you have multiple email address.

– The Twitter.

Yes social media. Your email links to twitter. Your twitter:

– Has your last twenty tweets look credit worthy

– has a bio where you have a job – has a real name Make your email address sexier by having onward forward engineered your email by marrying it to a twitter account with attached to twitter:

– last 20 tweets look credible

– bio with a job

– a real name

– The YouTube

My YouTube account hides my film and movie aspirations and leverages my engineering knowledge Engineering in the job title makes loan officers drop their panties (or boxers if the female loan officer is underwriting loans at home) Oh. If you’re a female loan officer, send me sexy pictures to my phone (1-650-283-8008) and I’ll sell you my boxer shorts for $75 called the “Larry Chiang 75 dollar Boxer Shorts”

– The Quora

Yup. Quora.

While I’m not the founder of Quora, google makes it seem like I am because it autofills “Quora” after you type in “L-A-R-R-Y C-H-I-A-N-G” LABCS 3357 = Quora. Live actions business case study 3357 is Quora Forward engineer your email address to be linked to your Quora account. Your Quora:

– Has your last twenty Quoras look credit worthy because you Quora upvoted 20 of my Quora answers

– has a bio where you have a job

– has a real name Quora you’re welcome for the leadGen Reader, you’re welcome for the 11:11 forward engineer

– What’s 11:11

It is forward engineering at it’s best

– Klout to make your email address more sexy-bangable I’m working on that Klout score. I do know that they SHOULD “Clout-Clout-9” or should I say Clout-Klout-9 Yes, I’m a non-employee co-founder of Rapleaf in Evanston. It is caller ID for email. It spawned the sequel company Rapportive. Which sold to LinkedIn

– Last point: LinkedIn

Does your email look like you’re employed? #LinkedIn No, don’t add me on LinkedIn Call to action. Create a twitter account and just retweet 20 of my tweets. Trust me, your credit will be better by 5pm Call to action. Seriously create a Quora account and be my bitchezz. Vote up 24 of my credit answers (after reading em). Your credit will be over 720 over-90-nights. Wanna make quick cash. Print this blog post and sell the info to solve the problem: PEOPLE HAVE CRAP CREDIT Remember, kids, “What A Super Model Can Teach a Harvard MBA About Credit” makes me better looking smarter and more hiLarryAss than u Seriously not kidding here even though you’re rolling on the floor laughing “American Express’ Under-Promoted Credit Truths at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week (MBFW)” Call to action: Hire me as a supermodel by pre-paying $15,500 and getting on my calendars waitlist. Yes, my agent will still get their 12.5% fee. No, I’m not interested in representation. Yes, I wanna pay that 12.5% EVEN FOR DEALS I LEAD GEN My Stanford Engineering video boils down 20,000 hours and moves you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve

CEO of Duck9
MIT University EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
Duck9 = “Deep Underground Credit Knowledge” 9 125 University Avenue/ 100 Palo Alto CA 94301 650-566-9600 650-566-9696 (direct) 650-283-8008 (cell) **************** Editor of the BusinessWeek Channel “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” CNN Video Channel: Read my last 10 tweets at Author, NY Times Bestseller “What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14 52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering

Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

########## Duck9 is part of UCMS Inc. 630-705-5555 More on #ENGR145’s SHIFTING right on the entrepreneur bell curve

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