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Larry Chiang Pattern Replicates, Pattern Iterates GitHub

by Larry Chiang on September 26, 2013

By Larry Chiang Intro…

Do you use GitHub?

Think of these marketing recipes… …my Gua Gua Gua Guacamole recipes to be specific. Think of these Gua Gua Gua Guacamole recipes as computer code patterns in the real world that execute growth and lead gen. #LeadGen is tough. Lead generation builds up the value of your worthless stock.

It’s tougher for programs to run if you leave off huge swaths of computer code. It’s tough for startup to get up and going and up from the ground if your marketing programs do not work. They do not work when you leave off critical meta marketing steps in Gua Gua Guacamole.

Think of me and my Gua Gua Gua Guacamole recipes when you are rich with VCs tossing u cashola as you’re busy self funding w revenue. Think of me as you arbitrage. It’s so fun, arbitrage, is.

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Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

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