Larry Chiang’s book, What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School, has an entire chapter devoted to “Entrepreneurship #Ch9 and Sales via Lead Generation #CH6”. As CEO of Duck9, he helps institutions make credit receivables less risky and plays the other side to by getting college students a “FICO” credit score over “748.8”. After a Harvard Law School keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”
NY Fashion Week has supermodels getting a high FICO credit score because I supermodel on-the-side |
Jose Vieitez (@JoseVieitez) | |
Start With a Cupcake: The Minimum Viable Product of Baking and Ideas: #entrepreneur #startups
Lead generation is giving away a piece of food in exchange for a sales prospect giving you their phone number. It works super well when you use “cupcakes”.
Cupcakes are the minimum viable product of the baking industry
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Interesting. Bc the cupcake is also at the heart of #TCDisrupt lead generation {#leadGen}…
– doing lowest common denominator stuff to get the public to care about “FICO score preparation, amongst sorority girls, while on spring break, and super horny”
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Cupcake #LeadGen works so well that TC banned it’s use at #TCdisrupt May4-6…
Mint won TC40. It used cupcakes
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
If there’s a startup hacking this conference #disruptSF @tcdisrupt, deliver me a cupcake #please #guacamole…
Just because TC disrupt won’t let you win using cupcakes, does not mean you should not use cupcakes to win (in the real world outside of the “Manhattan Center”
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Scott Beale’s cupcake camp looks yum
Bryan Menell (@bmenell) | |
My penguin cupcake. (cc @plancast)
Jacqueline Hughes (@JacquelinesLife) | |
Hehe. @plancast + cupcakes = #plancakes! Thanks @justthisguy for the hashtag suggestion. If you want a cupcake…