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Malcolm Gladwell Style “Blink” Analysis of Shark Tank

by Larry Chiang on January 21, 2014

By Larry Chiang
Blink is the idea of quick-genius impressions. 
Here are 7 SPRAGs (specific pattern replicating ass guesses). Hahaa I just made that up!!
– the producers of SharkTank self funded. They didn’t go around begging VCs or angel investors
– the executive producer prolly spent 36 hours. Total. While on vacay. 
– the shows producers probably did a sequel to Vultures Lair* (VL), cutThroat’s Den** (CTD), VC hotBox***(VC HB) and didn’t pay any royalties to the prequel entity after pattern replicating VL, CTD or VC HB. Basically, they pulled a “Wicked” and did a sequel to Wizard of Oz
Basically, shark tank pulled a “Snow White and the Huntsman” without paying royalties to and of the 7 Dwarfs. 
Basically, Shark Tank pulled a Thomas Jefferson when he copy pasted John Locke’s “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Property”
Basically, pulled a Larry Chiang when he ripped off his mentor’s book, “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School”. Yes, Mark McCormack. Yes, Mark McCormack loved sequels to golf tour aka IMG’s “Senior Golf Tour”

CNBC Prime (@CNBCPrimeTV)
“It’s a very fine line of being a genius and crazy.” – #SharkTank’s @TheSharkDaymond. Watch #SharkTankTuesdays tonight @ 8p ET on @CNBC.

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Shark Tank (@ABCSharkTank)
Looking good ladies… and Kevin! Watch this pitch play out Friday on an all new #SharkTank!

– I bet the cnbc deal is all profit

– I bet Shark Tank is so successful that it sues it’s own viewer fan base for organizing public viewings. Jk
– I bet the shark tank producers did not pitch their show (thx to the 36 hours some exec producer put in) but got and gets people to pitch THEM on why the Shark Tank producers should take money from them. 

– I bet the shark tank producers would love the ENGR 145 content that Stanford engineering school teaches about technology entrepreneurship. 
ENGR145’s Anchor Concept: Lemonade and Gua Gua Guacamole 
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