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In The Media

Mapping. Maps Apply to Entrepreneurship Risk Mitigation

by Larry Chiang on September 10, 2015

By Larry Chiang
Mapping is a lost art. Topography was a great exercise. Topography underwater is an even better practice because it’s so difficult. Topography made me realize how valuable someone else’s map is. 
Mapping helps entrepreneurship. 

Thomas Knoll (@thomasknoll)
Starting things is supposed to be scary. The unknown is intimidating. Make maps as you go.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Shakti Gawain’s my “Treasure Map” mentor #ch2 (#ch5= mentor). its an orgasm of evidence (like homicide but a startup…

Make a treasure map. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
I mapped entrepreneurship out like a submarine map maker #LaurentianCanyons. They’re subroutines!! !!…

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Losing 80% of submarines crashing the laurentian canyons would get every admiral fired. #OctoMate

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Starting up your FICO score used to be a mystery until #RuleOf1111 (sequel to #RuleOf72#530Lytton…

Topography applies here at Fashion Week. 

You may touch me #NYFW. I have cookies. 

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