Larry Chiang is an expert Congressional witness and has a J.B.A., Jedi in Business Administration. As mentee, apprentice and padawan to “Mark McCormack”, Chiang got to keynote at a University he was verbally recruited to: Harvard Law. Afterwards, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. Be a Jedi in Business Administration also by reading, citing and sourcing his mentor’s book, “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. See his latest credit bureau based, entrepreneurship article, “Follow Your CS183B Effort, Not Your Passion” on “Duck9”
By Larry Chiang
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
MacKenzie Ward, #ENGR145 alum mentors u…
Engineering 145 = Tech Entrepreneurship Sign! up! |
By Larry Chiang
Hands down, the most immersive and experiential entrepreneurship class. #ENGR145‘s nestled in zip code 94305 and surrounded by about $30,000,000,000 so, if you don’t get 100% of your tuition back by lecture #2…, you’re not trying to get a Return on Investment
Unofficial Austin (@UnofficialATX) | |
#ENGR145 startups launched at “MobileBeat” – WHO THIS YEAR WILL!?…
Self Study before June 22 – August 13, 2015 (part 2 of 3 is HERE)
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Google aquired a company (+CTO) that mentors #ENGR145 teams to #HamsterWheel
@officialvolio VIDEO …… |
Jess Matthews (@jmgamagamagucci) | |
Study @StanfordSS this summer! Hear from two alumna how 8 weeks changed their lives:… #stanfordss #ENGR145
Jess Matthews (@jmgamagamagucci) | |
@LarryChiang @StanfordSS We’re adding at least 2 additional sections of #ENGR145 for 2013.
Jess Matthews (@jmgamagamagucci) | |
@LarryChiang @StanfordSS Thanks! It’s such an honor to collaborate with @tjkosnik
Unofficial Austin (@UnofficialATX) | |
I uploaded a @YouTube video Hamster Wheel Your New Startups Backend #ENGR145
Hamster Wheel Your New Startups Backend #ENGR145 – YouTube
Speaking of ‘hustle’
Nick U’Ren of Tempe – San Diego – Phoenix Suns
[Photo credit Tim Kawakami.]
Google Mr U’Ren’s preso