Larry Chiang’s session at Rookie Camp was called “How to Graduate the NFL with a FICO Over 805”. As CEO of Duck9, he encourages college student athletes at Stanford and the NFL to get a FICO over 810. After a Harvard Law School keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“. Chiang’s mentor started IMG. Do they rep you?!
Paid internships sometimes pay millions. |
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
By Larry Chiang
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Chi Zhao (@chiizhao) | |
@LarryChiang lol you are outrageous. stick to texting. =P
HBO’s George R.R. Martin who made “Game of Thrones” takes sexPosit on:
Natasha Cooke (@natashacoo) | |
George R.R. Martin Explains That There’s A Lot of Sex in ‘Game of …: George R.R. Martin addresses the sexposit…
Do understand that sexPosit and sexPosition are polar opposites and diametrically opposed. SexPosit is on my friend Christine Dunham’s website: “HealthTap” too (but my definition is different!!!)
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
I invented the word “sexposit” and now when u google it, Cal and Oregon duck shitake comes b4 me 🙁
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
SXSW has a preview Jan 14-Jan 19
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
My Jivamukti inspired “Lotions and Potions” #SXSW yoga event is free. But there is a sexPosit. RSVP w a text: @65028…
Jan 19 is Jivamukti at Yoga Journal conference. It will help your sxsw goals.
Unofficial Austin (@UnofficialATX) | |
The Private Yoga w/ “Lotions and Potions” is Free w/a $7,000 SexPosit #SXSW: via @YouTube