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The University of Illinois Engineering Method at Stanford Engineering

by Larry Chiang on January 23, 2013

By Larry Chiang

Have you met me in person?! I’m super huggable in-the-flesh.

So meta.

Well, I’m the innovator of the “University of Illinois Engineering Method at Stanford Engineering”. It’s for getting recruited.

I bring up the fact that women want to hug me to parallel the pattern of not being a douchebag even though a bunch of people want us really badly. Like with naked hugging, we can only pick one post college employer. Like with making the beast with two backs, we can only pick one legendary internship per summer.

Job Search Binder Basics and Treasure Map is a video I recorded for you

Other key aspects to the University of Illinois Engineering Method for graduating Stanford University seniors

-1- Reciprocate even when employers are inviting us to dinner and sending us gifts to our dorm

Yes, I lived in a dorm my senior year.

Yes, I still live in a dorm today, now. Yes, I get thrown puddy because imma supermodel, but I’m so thankful anyway. That is the University of Illinois Method. It is partial douchebag. Morton Downey Jr taught me to never go full douchebag.

If you’re a Stanford engineer, expect to graduate and make as much money as a Harvard MBA. But do not do full douchebag and reciprocate by sending thank yous.

-2- Specifics of thank you’s

Get a stack of Stanford University thank you notes. They cost like 20.oo for ten in a box at the Bookstore. Thank you emails to alpha males are just spam in a folder. A Stanford University logo’d card mailed with a 52c stamp gets put up in my cubicle.

People love semi-personal meta mail, hand addressed.

-3- Getting recruited to a legendary first job isn’t like getting into Stanford.

How did you get into college?! You applied to 3-5 schools and you got in to all of them.

Jobs are different.

It’s super likely that you will actually get rejected at a couple. Being smartest, best-est might hurt. It leads to my pivotal point

-4- Leverage and collect rejection letters.

The collective wisdom in the working world is that Stanford kids live in a bubble and have wagon wheels that come off when faced with temporary rejection / failure.

Fail forward.

When employers write you a rejection letter, they are just letting you know you’re not a great fit.

-5- Binder full of rejection letters

I used my mentor’s teaching on sales to innovate the University of Illinois Engineering Method at Stanford Engineering. The person who has the most rejections in engineering will have a higher likelihood of a better offer with a company with a better fit.

My mentor’s name is Mark McCormack

-6- Reverse Job Fair

Pattern replicate David Weekly. He did a job fair where candidates hosted potential employers. Yes, it only works if you’re an engineering grad because so many people want us.

-7- Close a legendary job offer via voicemail.

I have been in a room where some old person is checking voicemail. When a kid or a celebrity leaves a charming detailed voicemail with a call-to-action, it works.

-8- Make up your own job.

Ya know how if you’re in MS&E, you can make up your own engineering degree?! Well, pull a back door stunt dirtier than co-terming up a Masters in Engineering (with an undergrad Stanford degree in Econ).


Make up your own job under a silicon valley ceo/founder.

The foundation of this is – be street smart AND book smart. But you will have to be uber street smarter than a community college kid – be a old-person whisperer. Google Larry Chiang old person whisperer – be cognizant that these all have the underpinning of “BASES: Get a LEGENDARY Internship”

I got my start at Stanford in 2007 when I exported The University of Illinois Engineering Method into Stanford Athletics.

Reciprocate by helping someone else at Stanford. I don’t need your physical card. Reciprocate by thanking a high school teacher that helped you get into Stanford.

If that teacher doesn’t help you, you’d never have met me

Reciprocate by sending me cookies if you sell your ENGR 145 company

ENGR145’s Anchor Concept: Lemonade and Gua Gua Guacamole

It moves you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve

If you’re a promising high school kid en route to Stanford University engineering, it’s nice to meet you. Take ENGR 145

I wish I had a guy like me when I was an undergrad. I’d be rich. Oh wait I did have a me. My mentors name is Mark McCormack. And I am. Because of him

Are you a female?!

Remember, I blog as a woman

CEO of Duck9 Founding Stanford University EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence) Emeritus

Duck9 = “Deep Underground Credit Knowledge” 9 125 University Avenue/ 100 Palo Alto CA 94301 650-566-9600 650-566-9696 (direct) 650-283-8008 (cell)

**************** Editor of the BusinessWeek Channel “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” CNN Video Channel:

Read my last 10 tweets at

Author, NY Times Bestseller

“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14

52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering

Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

########## Duck9 is part of UCMS Inc. 630-705-5555

More on #ENGR145’s SHIFTING right on the entrepreneur bell curve

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