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In The Media

Who Mentors Your Credit Score Cherry Getting Popped.

by Larry Chiang on July 16, 2015

By Larry Chiang
Before your FICO score gets registered, you are a credit virgin. 
Either establishment of credit is massively positive, or massively negative. There is no analogy analogous to the dichotomy of legendarily great or massively crappy. Establishment of credit at #530Lytton Palo Alto 94301 is a hobby. 
Many people start their FICO with a credit collection that industry insiders call a “charge-off” (credit code “9”)

CEO of Duck9, Larry (@6502838008)
BankAmericard cash rewards #530Lytton 
$100 intro bonus after spending $500 in 1st 90 days?
[I will fact check this deal.]

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Thiel de la Peter went to college at a time when 15k credit lines were prevalent. i DJd a credit line of “$300” #530Lytton Avenue to my cell

I can do for you what Peter Thiel did for himself with a 15,000 credit line. You can build as high of a FICO score as Peter Thiel with a $300 line of credit at #530Lytton

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
There are 17+ VCs at #530Lytton.
Lol, they read my ideas but can’t execute the #LeadGen
They can’t DJ the ATM 2 (602-597-xxxx)

Ok, here is the whopper. I connected the Bank of America bank at #530Lytton with a telephone number; 602-597-xxxx. 602-597-xxxx belongs to Bank of America ass well. The application protocol interface I use is my iPhone app, 650-283-8008.

If you’re a credit virgin in the 94025 zip code area plus /minus 10 miles, text me 650-283-8008 before you bolt over to #530Lytton
Best card for points. But the road to Amex goes through #530Lytton
Stanford Engineering (#ENGR145) has an insightful video I did

I showcase this video because you’re going to think I’m an idiot for advocating: #PObox105281
Best method as of 2015, July 16

It’s American credit law Re Fair Credit Reporting Act. Google “PO box 105281″. It SEEMS like email and web should suffice. But. But remember, the law “Electronic Credit Score Protection Bill” hasn’t been passed. 

Larry Chiang Electronic Credit Score Protection Act. I had time to lobby for that as part of my job. Ceo. I had time to do media interviews

See the genius of hashtags applied in a manner that is very innovative, even my Silicon Valley standards:

I show you this not to intimidate or impress you with my brain. I’m attempting to arrest your central nervous system, suspend common sense judgement, and execute my basic credit advice

See the protocol of #CS183creditScore

Is the worst vice, free advice?
See #cs183b
And #cs183 which Peter Thiel taught. When you see Peter on campus, ask him, “Do you believe I got a higher FICO score than you do? I got 24 “1’s” in a row”
Remember, VCs want to see how capital efficient you are. So, be capital efficient with opm before you get the opm of VC. OPM is Other People’s money 
Credit…, VC…, supermodel is the new triple threat. 
{Larry Chiang what’s a “1” on your credit report 11:11}

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