UPDATE: Uber is now on my credit card
LC’s Reverse Annual Fee credit card #LCRAFCC. Good for Uber rides ‘up to $20’ per year. #AmexDuck9 #LCRAFCC #SXSW
— Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) February 8, 2015
UPDATE Uber is now in Austin Texas
Check out pics from our party last Tuesday night at the @BelmontAustin! #KeepAustinUber https://t.co/9SopyE1GOW pic.twitter.com/1mMhqwjTH3
— Uber Austin (@Uber_ATX) November 4, 2014
Nicki Dee. said, “Über IS here for SXSW..
uber twitter p9tds https://t.co/VxnFYAn8ZX
— Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) February 13, 2015
American Express’ Under-Promoted Credit Truths at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week (MBFW)”
CEO of Duck9
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14