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In The Media

Would You Like to Play Risk?!

by Larry Chiang on December 25, 2014

Larry Chiang’s 6th book, “What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School WTWNTYASBS”, will launch 11-11-19 in a photo-booth like the Tresemme two-story tradeshow booth New York Fashion Week. As CEO of Duck9, he leads an army to help college student consumers get a FICO over 750. Post H.L.S. keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School” (his latest post was “Setting an intention for SXSWi“.

NY Fashion Week at Lincoln Center is not about risk. NYFW is about reward.
By Larry Chiang
I’m home.
My parents have my old board game: “RISK”. It’s a game where the winner controls Australia. You hunker down and then risk nothing until you’re so strong that when you attack, you can’t lose. Risking anything is for losers.
Risking in the startup world is for chumps.

The grin is ear-to-ear because my mentor taught me RMRMRE

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#RMRMRE is about debunking “go big or go home” and ‘Big risk, big reward’Risk mitigation
Risk minimization
Risk elimination


There is a class dedicated to learning startups at Stanford University.

RMRMRE is here
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Tony Robbins’ book is a 500 pg expansion of “Low risk, high reward”. He dedicates 20+% to Ray Dalio
ENGR145’s two anchor videos move you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve
Is a bit ly I memorized that links to
This risk has been vetted
The tree lot party succeeds because it is a franchise concept. One night covers the costs and then 100% of the profits are plowed into charity.
It’s the topic of my next post about how alpha males mitigate risk. Where one small component returns all the capital at risk. So it’s all upside
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University’s Founding EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
Duck9 = Deep Underground Credit Knowledge 9
c/o UCMS Inc
2021 Midwest Road / 3rd FL
Oak Brook IL
650-283-8008 (cell)
Founder of “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” for CNN iReport:
Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School about EUTWMPPM @SXSW” comes out 11-11-14
52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

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