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In The Media

Coverage for the ‘We-sold-our-company-to-Twitter” Party

by Larry Chiang on June 5, 2015

Larry Chiang came to be an entrepreneurship expert via his work minimizing credit risk and has a J.B.A. (Jedi in Business Administration). As padawan to to the jedi, Mark McCormack, Chiang self funded a billion dollar business: UCMS. He allowed (and even encouraged) Harvard to write: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School” after an HLS keynote. Be a Jedi too when you, “Follow Your CS183B Effort, Not Your Passion”

Larry Chiang

By Larry Chiang
I’m thankful for technical co-founders. I’m wayyyyy more thankful where all the cofounders are all technical AND SELL.
Good things happen when all the technical co-founders promote and sell. So let me be the #R2D2vc and regurgitate like R2D2 how Mark and Josh celebrated their effort


CEO of Duck9, Larry (@6502838008)
The ‘We sold our company to Twitter” party…
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The ‘We sold our company to Twitter” party


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Omg, @crazyfoo. You got a snow sled mtn run in effen summer @tellapart. Olaf’d luv this #TellAparty


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Thx @sacca for txtBk. U should do a congrats video to play during commercials @tellapart. Cuz we’re showing the Warriors game on big screen


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
After the @sacca TWTR article, I will text him: “great and well written @Techmeme buddy. C u @tellapart party @6?”


My girlfriend with the parrot: “Howard” (photo credit Larry Chiang)

Chris Sacca (@sacca)
@crazyfoo Also worth noting that your goofy yellow truck was like a security blanket during my 3rd and Townsend days. Congrats again.
Josh McFarland (@crazyfoo)
@sacca flames on the hood, a 400W sound system & lic plate: CRZYFOO! Man I loved that thing. Thx for your kind words abt @tellapart too 🙂
Chris Sacca (@sacca)
@crazyfoo The more you remind me of that thing, it seems like the kind of ride the big hair era @christianism should’ve rocked.


Get to $600,000 in revenue
Cross the chasm
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University’s Founding EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
Duck9 = Deep Underground Credit Knowledge 9
c/o UCMS Inc
2021 Midwest Road / 3rd FL
Oak Brook IL
650-283-8008 (cell)
Founder of “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” for CNN iReport:
Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School about EUTWMPPM @SXSW” comes out 11-11-14
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

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