By Larry Chiang
Who is Billy Durant?!
He is the technical co-founder of GM. Got fired after he sold it
He is the technical co-founder of Chevrolet. Got fired after he sold it to GM
Died managing a bowling alley and poor
People mistakenly think Alfred P Sloan started GM. Nope, he is the bean counter
Well, imma entrepreneur and that does not sit well with me and the CS major engineer technical co-founders.
I’m tired of pretty, pretty C3PO bean counter business people. I worship and adore JC but if it were not sacrilege– I’d pay homage to R2D2/Billy Durant
I’ve made plans for Larry Chiang’s “Billy Durant Day” at Sloan at Sloan, cambridge, Friday, October 26, 2012 You should join me!
CEO of Duck9 Stanford University EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
Duck9 = Deep Underground Credit Knowledge 9 125 University Avenue/ 100 Palo Alto CA 94301 650-566-9600 650-566-9696 (direct) 650-283-8008 (cell)
**************** Editor of the BusinessWeek Channel “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” CNN Video Channel:
Read my last 10 tweets at
Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14
52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old
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