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In The Media

Cost of MMPQQ Explained. Cost of #MMPQQ Defined

by Larry Chiang on April 13, 2014

April 14, 2014
By Larry Chiang 
If practicing entrepreneurship is not your intention, please leave. This content is dense and difficult to explain. It can’t be scanned. 
MmpQQ is

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

There are “costs” but no cash risk. I engineered it that way.

Tweet the hashtag to RSVP your interest in the “free money-making franchise” by using the official Twitter app here. I’ll assist via text message
************ NOTE ****
If you’re an athlete at Stanford, you must use your study abroad alias name to abide by ncaa rules that keep you from working. For example, Andrew Luck would be “An(2) Dee(4) Luk(3).
If you’re a Division I athlete, you understand. If not…

mmpqq is “Mentor Mentions Per Quora Question”. It solves the problem of “Give me an Amex, Dammit” The solution is in the hashtag feed #MMPQQ. Look for link “

The problem was first popularized by Mike Arrington, millionaire and Stanford Law school grad, who could not get an Amex. In short, other less rich, less legally smart people need credit mentorship too.

That’s where I come in

The benefit:

– Free hotel rooms.
– Make money.
– Help people by regurgitating
– Get people more free rooms
– Repeat
– Make more money (share zero with me 🙂

All y’all don’t need a website built on WORDPRESS to make money. But it helps.

You don’t need an App.

Or any technical skill.

You can actually solve a problem and then make money from others solving that same problem (you keep 100% in this ‘single level, multi level marketing program). In this post, I will show you how to kill five birds with one stone and help you make a li’l money too doing a ‘lemonade stand’ business that practices entrepreneurship.

You need

– iPhone 4S or higher

– my twitter hashtag #mmpqq “Mentor Mentions Per Quora Question”

– No Quora account required (although that will help. So sign up)

MMPQQ is a sequel to MMPPI. MMPPI is “Mentor Mentions Per Press Interview” MMPQQ came after MMPPI.

It’s money in, money out and money (rebated?) back. The hashtag #MMPQQ may never trend but you will love it and never forget the business that busted your entrepreneur cherry.

Specific First Problem I will solve for money paid to Larry Chiang directly: allota people want the Amex Starwood credit card. But even with a high credit score, they cant get it.

VCs and millionaires cannot get it (alotta times)

Solution: anoint me your mentor and commit two nights of Starwood Level 5 hotel to me. The cost of getting the credit card of your dreams is two nights hotel that you transfer.

Cost: You ‘pay’ me two nights of Starwood Level 5. Like a Westin Hotel — so nice

Are you in!? Tweet #mmpQQ 

ENGR145’s my flagship hashtag: 
That hashtag, #ENGR145, will be next.
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University Entrepreneur in Residence, Emeritus
Duck9 = “Deep Underground Credit Knowledge” 9
125 University Avenue/ 100
Palo Alto CA 94301
650-566-9696 (direct)
650-283-8008 (cell)
Editor of the BusinessWeek Channel “What They Don’t Teach at Business School”
Read my last 10 tweets at
Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14
52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old
Duck9 is part of UCMS Inc.

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