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Hindsight on HR627 is 30/20

by Larry Chiang on September 8, 2016

By Larry Chiang
When you say DICK DURBIN. I think:
“Thank you for your credit policy leadership on HR627. Your astute understanding of credit card laws help undergrads get FICO’s over 800 with a credit line under $500.
It’s like you are an Illinois senator with a 2011 Stanford engineering coterminous masters. Effing genius.”
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Net, net #HR627’s a big, big win for Stanford undergrads. 
On campus, they just shower you with free food!
Low credit lines coupled with high FICO’s over 800 for Stanford undergrads and undergrads every where. 
FICO’s over 800 Y-Axis. 
a credit line under $500. X-axis. Quadrant 2 = “FICO’s over 800 with a credit line under $500”

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