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In The Media

“Larry Chiang Startup Academy Stanford University (#LCSASU

by Larry Chiang on September 10, 2012

By Larry Chiang

Its entrepreneurship education for engineers!

We as engineers should be making money while we learn entrepreneurship.

It’s like “pay me while I get the knowledge and the network of a Stanford GSB MBA” maneuver. Yeah, I blogged about that.

Econ majors pay to learn entrepreneurship. We as engineers should get paid via the “Larry Chiang 100% Affiliate Program”. You should google that too so you can pattern replicate an ENGR 145 alum who took “technology entrepreneurship”.

Plot spoiler: you will be executing entrepreneurship and doing simple promotion work like ENGR 145 kids have done at real live tech conferences.

Oh, your Stanford University student ID is helpful but not required. #LCSASU is open to all undergrad / recent grad ENGINEERS ONLY

Larry Chiang Startup Academy Stanford University (#LCSASU during #StanfordEweek at 655 Knight, , February 5 – March 7, 2013 You should join me!

ENGR145’s Anchor Concept: Lemonade and Gua Gua Guacamole

It moves you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve

CEO of Duck9 Stanford University Entrepreneur in Residence, Emeritus

Duck9 = “Deep Underground Credit Knowledge” 9 125 University Avenue/ 100 Palo Alto CA 94301 650-566-9600 650-566-9696 (direct) 650-283-8008 (cell)

**************** Editor of the BusinessWeek Channel “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” CNN Video Channel:

Read my last 10 tweets at

Author, NY Times Bestseller

“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14

52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering

Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

########## Duck9 is part of UCMS Inc. 630-705-5555

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