By Larry Chiang
Starting is hard. Let us set aside talk of starting up a startup. Let us just start You, Inc. Let’s start you in a great job (google: How to get 3 legendary internships in a row)
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
No one is out there trying “to discover” you as a talent. People just hire hustlers that execute and suck less than alternative #jobapreneur
No one gave these guys money to invent airplanes. They sold bikes.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
As a #Jobapreneur, you’re seeking out mentorship {#Ch5}. Pikers complain about assigned mentors & teachers. pikers walk at the bell
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Companies want to take li’l risk when they hire you. remove risk for them, #jobapreneur. #df15 = skills. #NAPBS15 bc your FICO matters
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Companies will always pay you $1 when you make them 3-$10. #Jobapreneur
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
A lot of industry conferences kinda suck, sure. But pre-studying and pre-preparing would make conf suck less for U #Jobapreneur #LABCS3373
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Politically incorrect but true: Majority of people make horrible employees. #Jobapreneur
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
A Great Job in 2.8 Years (2018 would suck to be unEmployed)…