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Meet the CEO of Duck9, Larry CHIANG

by Larry Chiang on May 21, 2015

Larry Chiang spoke at Harvard Law School and Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. Be a Jedi in Business Administration by reading his mentor’s sequel’s, sequel book, “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. Meet the CEO of Duck9, Larry Chiang

Larry Chiang

A message from Larry, our CEO
CEO of Duck9, Larry (@6502838008)
Meet the CEO of Duck9

I started duck9 out of some late-night conversation with a group of Urbana sorority girls. It was getting late and I could feel their wandering eyes and palpitating hearts. I knew if I were going to leave with my boxers in tact, I’d have to think fast…

I blurted out the first thing that came to sight, “Victoria Secret credit card default!”
Instant buzzkill and pussy, drier-upper. Everyone in that DG house had an anchor splash of Vickie’s secret credit card debt out of a Columbus Ohio PO box that was a collection thorn in their side. The irony that I was going to keep myself sexually innocent because of lingerie debts was not lost on me.
One-by-one, I mentored. The fact that charging off credit debt from limited brands’ brand helped that room full of older women Duck Undergrad Credit Knowledge.
A drunk and thankful DG uttered: Your hair looks like a ducks’ butt
Quarter chub-buck (method) is an inside actors joke. Chubbuck is an acting method by Ivana C.
So, instead of personally visiting sorority houses like Gamma Phi Betas pink house in Tuscon, we loaded up 2,200 YouTube videos
(don’t get me wrong, one of 1,111 VPs can perform a credit strategy seminar, but much of the educational content is live)
It was greet meeting you!!
— Larry CHIANG
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University’s Founding EIR, Entrepreneur in Residence
ENGR145, Technology Entrepreneurship:
STANFORD UNIVERSITY method to crossing the innovation chasm From The Right
The Chasm used to kill startups dead causing founders to go Bk #DuckCh9Bk is like an advanced version of Duck9. Sorority girls would duck Victoria’s Secret credit card “ChargeOff”. Charge offs are debts that go bad because sorority girls don’t pay. Charge-off is credit code “9”. Ducking 9’s raises your credit.
Shucks, that makes me kinda an honorary “House Sweetheart”. Thank you.
Duck9 = Deep Underground Credit Knowledge 9
c/o UCMS Inc
2021 Midwest Road / 3rd FL
Oak Brook IL 60521
650-283-8008 (cell)
Picture as featured in Forbes. Text me the article after you google ‘Larry Chiang forbes SXSW’. I have a lot of energy

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