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Want more time and energy for Entrepreneurship!? Look to Digestive Energy

by Larry Chiang on September 5, 2015

Larry Chiang see people trying and failing at time management. There is more upside in energy management. Energy to pre-promote GigaOm at a fashion week in NYC is only possible if you have energy to spare. Hosting and grand opening New York Fashion Week’s book, “What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School” seems easy if you dropped off perfect poo to begin your day. Can you poo at altitude at film festivals like Sundance in Utah? Or how about the dry heat of March at South by Southwest (SXSW). As CEO of Duck9, Chiang’s VC hobbies are possible because of digestive energy.

New York Fashion Week is a user conference where big brands use IMG models.
— Larry Chiang, supermodel and CEO of Duck9

By Larry Chiang

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